Friday, June 10, 2005

You gotta pry the button out with your thumbnail.

Our doorbell gets stuck every time someone pushes it. And then you gotta pry it out with your thumbnail or else the sound of the doorbell will turn into a grinding buzz in the kitchen (where the speaker is). So when someone comes and rings the bell, we need to stop what we're doing and fix the button. When we come home and hear a tell-tale, hard-to-locate buzz, we know someone has come by and pressed the doorbell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tape won't fix the problem either. In our case, the doorbell just doesn't work. I don't know if it ever has. My roommate plastered blue electrical tape to the little button in her extra special OCD sort of way, and nine times out of ten when someone has to use their CELL PHONE to get us to respond to their pressing of the tape-coated button, I hear, "Does your doorbell not work?"

6/10/2005 11:00 AM  

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