Saturday, June 11, 2005

You gotta leave it on long enough.

BattleCobra90000 writes:

The toilet fan has failed. You turn it on, but it just groans. It wants to go, but can't. You can hear it in the way it strains against itself: if it could only get going, it'd stay going. I try to coax it along by turning on its companion, the combo red heat lamp/shower fan. "Come on, toilet fan!" they cry. "You can do it!" But the toilet fan is too far gone. Or is it?

Sometimes I'll find it running, a steady whirr punctuated with the occasional grinding wheeze. How did it get going? Wifey reveals: "It's because you have to leave it on long enough."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT IS IT WITH FANS? The personal fan, the kitchen fan, the toilet fan... UGH!!

6/30/2005 9:48 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Saboteurs, all!

6/30/2005 10:31 PM  

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