Sunday, January 29, 2006

You gotta block it with your hand.

Ah, pump soap. Pump soap, pump soap, pump soap. (I was shaking my head as I typed that.) The kind we have in the bathroom now is poorly designed. Or, I mean, the nozzle part of the mechanism is poorly designed. If you put your hand where you would normally put your hand when dispensing pump soap, when you pumped it, the soap would shoot out and get you in the shirt front. So you gotta block the jetting spray with your hand instead. And the hard part is, you have to remember to do this. Which you won't. Not every time.


Blogger Kim said...

This happens to me, too, but my dispenser does it sporadically. It tricks me into thinking it's acting normal again and then it squirts me in the shirt.

3/28/2006 7:21 PM  
Blogger Ben said...


And I feel I should clarify something from my original post on this matter:

Naturally, none of this means the nozzle was poorly designed. No, no, comrades—this is all truly by design!

8/23/2006 10:00 AM  
Blogger Libbycookie said...

I'm such a Johnny-Come-Lately to this one, but I have to say if you only hit your shirt front, consider yourself under the watch of a guardian angel. My dispenser shot a ray of peppermint soap directly into my eye! A bruised, tingling eyeball is a very sad thing.

6/11/2007 9:25 PM  

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