Wednesday, June 15, 2005

You gotta give it a spin.

Ririsu writes:

I have a small black fan that my mother bought me when I moved out to Seattle. The thing couldn't have cost more than $12 new from Fred Meyer. About ten months ago, the thing started to bind up. There is a very large amount of dust generated in my room and dust webs started to clog the gears and bind the once-speedy motion of my trusty little fan. It got to the point where I would turn it on to the highest setting and the gears would make a groaning sound while the fan blades moved ever so slightly as if they might get going. I would take a paint brush and give one blade a good shove, and this worked to kick start the thing for about four months. Then, I had to remove the safety grill and give the blades repeated spins with my hand. I've tried to dust the thing, but it is amazing how much dust appears while I'm sleeping. I feel like a DJ every time I give my little black fan a good spin to get it going.


Blogger Ben said...

I hate your fan.

6/17/2005 11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny - I think IT hates me!

6/22/2005 5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed that FOUR TIMES you refer to your fan as "the thing." That's not "funny," ririsu—it's time to own your hatred.

6/30/2005 9:43 PM  

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