Sunday, November 12, 2006

You gotta unhook the thing and then rehook it.

The shower curtain. Need I continue? Ever since we switched to the C-shaped rings, all has been bedlam, the bathroom equivalent of trench warfare. An endless no-man's-land without the potential for movement of any kind. Progress? You think progress is still possible? You'll be lucky to see tomorrow.

Now, the shower head spits water all over the place. In order to keep the floor around that side of the shower dry, you have to unhook one of the shower rings and rehook it so that the shower curtain is pulled taut around the pipe that leads to the showerhead.

Don't worry about creating a diagram of this in your mind. That exercise will only drive you insane.

The point is: I fear I am on the brink of surrender.


Anonymous Baccarat Game said...

As the expert, I can assist.

6/02/2011 9:34 AM  
Anonymous Alain Bernard said...

If you decide to put grommets on the shower curtain holes, and you have a spring-loaded shower curtain rail, try enlarging the curtain holes to .5-inches larger diameter than your shower rod. Affix same-size grommets. Slide the curtain right onto the shower rod. The curtain will slide smoothly and stay fully open more effectively.

10/01/2015 10:59 PM  

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