Friday, July 01, 2005

You gotta shove a gum wrapper in there.

Joanna writes:

I've put up with this problem for almost a year. The button on the emergency handle in my car rattles whenever the car is in motion (which is ALWAYS, since that's what cars do...they move). I suppose the button is just not tightly secured inside the handle, so it jiggles around and creates a constant buzzing sound. So, to remedy this irritating vibration, I grabbed a gum wrapper from my car floor, folded it up reeeeal tiny and shoved that thing into the space between the button and the inside if the handle. This is working out nicely, compared to my old solution: driving with one hand on the button, to keep it still.

In conclusion, to quote Nadine from Twin Peaks, "By God, that thing will be quiet now."


Blogger Ben said...

Every gum wrapper you jam in there brings us all one step closer to Victory!

Keep jamming, and keep fighting!

7/06/2005 10:23 PM  

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